Complaint handling, Withdrawal, Resignation

1. Cancellation of Order, 14-Day Right of Withdrawal:

You can cancel your order by emailing

In the case of online purchases, if you qualify as a consumer under the Hungarian Civil Code (PTK), you have the right of withdrawal for 14 days as per the following government regulation:

Government Regulation 45/2014 (II. 26.)

You are not required to provide a reason for your withdrawal.

You can exercise your right of withdrawal within 14 calendar days from the receipt of the product.

If you wish to exercise your right of withdrawal, you must send a clear statement of your withdrawal intention (e.g., by mail or email) to the following address: (4025 Debrecen, Külsővásár tér 3., "Svábhús" Kkt. Electronic email address:

Sample Withdrawal Statement:


I/we hereby declare that I/we are exercising my/our right of withdrawal in relation to the following product/products or the provision of the following service:

Date of Contract/Receipt:

Name of the consumer(s):

Address of the consumer(s):

Signature of the consumer(s): (only if sent on paper)


In the case of written withdrawal, it is sufficient to send the withdrawal statement within 14 days.

In the event of withdrawal, the consumer must return the product to the address: 4025 Debrecen, Külsővásártér 3. "Svábhús" Kkt. within 14 days from the notification of withdrawal. The cost of returning the product in case of withdrawal is borne by the customer. We can arrange for a courier service at the current delivery rate to assist you.

We cannot accept returns for products that are of poor quality or damaged based on a withdrawal claim. (See below, Handling of Faulty Products)

Once the original packaging is removed, we cannot accept returns based on withdrawal. (See below, "When can the buyer not exercise the right of withdrawal?")

If you choose a different mode of transportation than the usual one for the return, we are not obliged to reimburse any additional costs resulting from this choice in case of withdrawal.

In the case of service contracts, if you exercise your right of withdrawal after the commencement of the performance, you are required to reimburse the reasonable costs incurred by "Svábhús" Kkt.

In case of withdrawal, "Svábhús" Kkt. can demand compensation for the depreciation of the product resulting from its use beyond what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the product, or if the consumer explicitly requests the commencement of performance before the withdrawal period expires.

When repurchasing, we will settle the price of the purchased products in accordance with the original payment method (within a maximum of 14 days from the notification).

When can the buyer not exercise the right of withdrawal according to Government Regulation 45/2014 (II. 26.)?

The consumer cannot exercise the right of withdrawal in, among other cases, the following situations:

i) In the case of the sale of sealed audio or video recordings or computer software if the packaging has been opened after delivery;

2. Warranty

In relation to warranty claims, Ptk. 6:159. § applies. In the case of a product with a quality defect, we will prepare a record of the consumer's complaint in accordance with Government Regulation 49/2003 (VII. 30.) GKM, which entitles the consumer to a copy.

When can you exercise your Warranty Rights?

In the event of faulty performance by "Svábhús" Kkt., you can assert your warranty claims against "Svábhús" Kkt. in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code.

When does a product qualify as faulty?

A product is considered faulty if it does not conform to the quality requirements in force at the time of placing it on the market or if it does not have the characteristics as described in the manufacturer's description.

What rights do you have under Warranty?

You can choose to assert the following warranty claims:

You can request repair or replacement unless your chosen claim is impossible to fulfill or would incur disproportionate costs compared to other claims. If you did not request or could not request repair or replacement, you can request a proportional reduction in the price or withdraw from the contract.

In the case of a product with a quality defect, we do not recommend product replacement, as the product is likely to be faulty due to a printing error in the entire series. Thus, replacing the product with an identical one would likely result in another faulty product. In this case, we will refund the price of the product.

In what timeframe can you assert your warranty claim?

You are required to report the defect immediately upon discovery, but no later than within two months from the discovery of the defect. Beyond the two-year limitation period from the fulfillment of the contract, you cannot assert your warranty rights.

Against whom can you assert your warranty claim?

You can assert your warranty claim against "Svábhús" Kkt.

What other conditions apply to asserting your warranty rights?

Within six months from fulfillment, you do not need to meet any other conditions when asserting your warranty claim besides notifying "Svábhús" Kkt. that you purchased the product from them. After six months, you are required to prove that the defect already existed at the time of fulfillment.

3. Complaint Handling:

If you have any problems or complaints during your purchase, you can notify us through the following methods:

Via email, by sending an electronic mail to the following addresses:

By sending a postal letter to the address 4031 Debrecen, Külsővásártér 3. "Svábhús" Kkt.

(We recommend sending it by registered mail to ensure we receive it!)

In person during opening hours at our store located at 4030 Debrecen, Külsővásártér 3.

By phone: +3620/350-0491 during opening hours.

Complaints received via email or postal letter will be investigated, answered, and, if deemed unjustified, explained within the 30-day legal timeframe.

Complaints communicated in person or by phone will be attempted to be resolved immediately, and if they cannot be resolved immediately, they will be documented, and a substantive response will be provided within 30 days.

If you encounter any problems with our products, services, or customer service that cannot be resolved directly with our company, you have the option to contact one of the following supervisory bodies:



Address: Debrecen, Szent Anna u. 36.

Phone: 52/533‐924

Fax: 52/327‐753

Hajdú-Bihar County Conciliation Board

Address: 4025 Debrecen, Vörösmarty u. 13­15.

Phone: 52­500­710, 52­500­745

Fax: 52­500­720

Administrator: Nemes Brigitta

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4025 Debrecen, Külsővásártér 3.

+36 20 350 0491


Hétfőtől Péntekig: 9:00-17:00

4025 Debrecen, Külsővásártér 3.